Monica Suma

Monica Suma

Bucharest, Romania


About Monica

Born and raised in Romania, I became a New Yorker while studying and living close to a decade in NYC before returning home, via a three-year interlude in France. As a freelance journalist, travel writer and editor, I’m most drawn to a destination’s culture, artisanal design and local gastronomy. Having traveled to over 50 countries and lived in several, my dream trip happens when scenic beaches and nature jaunts are involved, with fresh oysters and glistening vineyards nearby. Throughout the years, some favorites remain: my first love, Spain, and the Mediterranean countries overall, the incomparable Cuba, South Africa and its spectacular Western Cape province, mystical Morocco and the buoyant, incredibly green Brazil. Speaking four languages, it helps connect with locals, creating memories that last for a lifetime. 

I’ve been freelance writing for Lonely Planet since 2016 on Romania-related topics, as well as other regions covering arts & culture, unique hotels and lesser-known high-value sites.

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